What alternative health

practitioners might not tell you



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Read the original article

"CRT [Coercive Restraint Therapy] is defined as a mental health intervention involving physical restraint and is used in adoptive or foster families with the intention of increasing emotional attachment to parents. Coercive restraint therapy parenting (CRTP) is a set of child care practices adjuvant to CRT. CRT and CRTP have been associated with child deaths and poor growth. Examination of the CRT literature shows a conflict with accepted practice, an unusual theoretic basis, and an absence of empirical support. Nevertheless, CRT appears to be increasing in popularity. This article discusses possible reasons for the increase, and offers suggestions for professional responses to the CRT problem." By Jean Mercer, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Richard Stockton College, Pomona, New Jersey, USA (9th August 2005) [pdf]