What alternative health

practitioners might not tell you



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Read the original article

Results: In total, 38 primary reports met our inclusion criteria. Of those, 30 pertained to direct adverse events (AEs) of homeopathic remedies; and eight were related to AEs caused by the substitution of conventional medicine with homeopathy. The total number of patients who experienced AEs of homeopathy amounted to 1159. Overall, AEs ranged from mild-to-severe and included four fatalities. The most common AEs were allergic reactions and intoxications. Rhus toxidendron was the most frequently implicated homeopathic remedy.  Conclusion: Homeopathy has the potential to harm patients and consumers in both direct and indirect ways. Clinicians should be aware of its risks and advise their patients accordingly.  P. Posadzki, A. Alotaibi, E. Ernst, International Journal of Clinical Practice (20th November 2012)