What alternative health

practitioners might not tell you



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Read the original article

“Inspired by a visit to Disneyland this paper explores the challenges associated with the need to teach something that may not exist…perhaps the entire profession of chiropractic is a ‘bizarre fiction’ with no substantive grounding. If so, what is the basis for anyone being a chiropractic academic? In writing this paper the content preceding the point was shared with an academic colleague of the writer. The colleague is a learned man with qualifications in chiropractic and philosophy and suggested the writer should stop wasting time and simply accept that the subluxation exists…as long as we lack a technological means to generate quantitative evidence of the subluxation and its effects on human function, there is little option other than to rely on an intelligent use of language within a true context of philosophy to encapsulate the discipline’s beliefs…it matters not whether the subluxation is a tangible clinical entity with physical dimensions or a mental creation; what does matter is that the statements used to describe it are in themselves true.” Ebrall, P., Chiropr J Aust 2009, 39: 165-70. [NB. The author of the paper, Phillip Ebrall, the former Head of Discipline, Chiropractic, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, is now setting up a ‘Bachelor of Science’, chiropractic degree at the Central Queensland University (Mackay) due to commence 2012.]